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GET Retrieve Transfer Details

To use this endpoint, replace :transfer_token in the URL with the unique transfer token assigned to the transaction during the payment initialization process.


This endpoint is used to retrieve the details of a transfer transaction. It is especially useful for verifying transaction details and handling disputes or customer inquiries.

Response Fields

The response from this endpoint will be a JSON object containing the following fields:

codeHTTP response codeNumber
messageResponse messageString
dataObject containing transfer detailsObject
Data Object Fields

Within the data object, the following fields are included:

created_atDate of create transferString
done_atDate of finish transferString
transfer_tokenUnique token of the transferString
merchant_transaction_idUnique identifier of the transactionString
country_nameName of the country associated with the transferString
country_codeCountry code (e.g., CI)String
amountAmount transferredNumber
descriptionDescription of the transferString
channelChannel used for the transferString
receiver_accountAccount number of the receiverString
receiver_first_nameFirst name of the receiverString
receiver_last_nameLast name of the receiverString
webhook_urlURL for webhook notificationsString
custom_fieldAny custom field providedString
statusCurrent status of the transferString

Example Response

    "code": 200,
    "message": "OK",
    "data": {
        "created_at": "2024-06-04T00:46:19.000000Z",
        "done_at": null,
        "transfer_token": "da578aa9-cf07-481c-83d9-6c71ca980644",
        "merchant_transaction_id": "JGVDHUSJGBJs",
        "country_name": "Côte d'Ivoire",
        "country_code": "CI",
        "amount": 150,
        "currency": "XOF",
        "description": "Transfer test",
        "channel": "mobile_money",
        "receiver_account": "+2250707000200",
        "receiver_first_name": "Cheick",
        "receiver_last_name": "Cheick",
        "webhook_url": "",
        "custom_field": "123456",
        "status": "new"

This structure provides a comprehensive overview of the endpoint, including how to use it, the response structure, and an example of the response data.